We have compiled a list of some the Frequently Asked Questions below.  If you cannot find the question and answer you are looking for, please contact the Sunland Village office (480) 832-9003 for assistance.
Q. What is a Homeowner's Association?
A. It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors.  Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CCR&Rs, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.  The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the SVCA Association page of this website or available from the Sunland Village office.  The corporation is financially supported by all members of the Homeowner's Association.  Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
Q. What are the CCR&Rs?
A. The Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservations (CCR&Rs) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation.  The CCR&Rs were recorded by the County Recorder's Office of the county in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property.  Failure to abide by the CCR&Rs may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association.  The governing legal documents may be viewed online within the SVCA Association page of this website or available from the Sunland Village office.
Q. What are the Bylaws?
A. The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation.  The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business.  The Bylaws for the Association may be viewed online within the SVCA Association page of this website or available from the Sunland Village Office.
Q. What is the Board of Directors?
A. The Homeowner's Association is a corporation and therefore a governing body is required to oversee its business.  The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners.  The limitations and restrictions of the powers of the Board of Directors is outlined in the Association governing documents found within the SVCA page of this website.
Q. Does the office handle sales or rentals of homes in the Village?
A. No, homes, villas and condos are all privately owned.  Therefore all sales and rentals are conducted by the homeowners, local real estate agents or private parties in the area.
Q. Is there a Storage Facility onsite at Sunland Village?
A. No, Sunland Village does not have a Storage Facility or area; however, there are several storage facilities in the nearby Mesa area, please reach out to them directly.

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4601 E. Dolphin Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85206
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Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
After Hours Drop Box