Sunland Village is a best-value age-privileged community.


A Residential 55+ Community in Mesa, Arizona

4601 East Dolphin Avenue
Main Entrance on Diamond Ave. and Greenfield Rd.
Sunland reaches from Broadway Rd. to Southern Ave.
Also from west of Greenfield Rd. to Higley Ave.
This community website was developed by Sunland Village to serve as an informative resource for both the SVCA neighborhood and the local community. We hope you enjoy looking around the site.  Please return often, as the site is updated on a regular basis.  Feel free to contact the Manager, the Board, or the Activity Coordinator, by using the Contact Us link located on the Home menu or in the Footer Box.
Online Payments
Click Here for the link to Alliance Bank for the option of paying your 2025 assessment by e-check or credit card. 
2025 Annual Assessment is $682.00 (after Feb. 15 add 10% late fee of $68.20)
Quick Reference Guide to Account Creation and Payment
Step by Step instructions can be found HERE
Architectural Guidelines
Read ACC Guidelines Before Beginning Exterior Projects
ACC Committee generally meets every  Thursday to review submitted applications.  Those approved will receive a Green Permit to place in front window until project is completed.  Those not approved will receive a letter from an ACC member or staff to explain why your project is denied and how to correct your request  Click for More Here
Upcoming Events
Matter of Balance Workshop
Wednesday, February 19th to Wednesday, April 9th, 1-3pm at Capri Hall
Thursday, February 20th, 6:30pm at Auditorium
Sunland Village Bingo. Every Thursday in the Sunland Village Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. 
Doors open at 4:30pm and games begin at 6:30pm. Enjoy weekly dinner specials and normal consessions. Please, no outside food or alcohol. 
Off Broadway Players Play
Saturday, February 22nd, 5:30pm at Auditorium
Everly Brothers Tribute
Monday, February 24th, 7pm at Auditorium
AED Training
Wednesday, February 26th, 10am-12pm at Auditorium
How to Find Us
Sunland Village is located in Mesa, Arizona. 
The main entrance to our community is at Diamond Ave. and Greenfield Rd.
From Hwy 60 exit Greenfield Rd. and head north to Diamond Ave. 
Turn east into the community. 
The H.O.A. office is located at 4601 E. Dolphin Ave. 
Click here for a map of the community.
Click Here to see a map of the main Activity Center facilities and courts.
Search Site
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Kids Playing

About Us

Sunland Village is the second of four Farnsworth developments in the East Valley. Home construction was begun in 1974 and completed in 1984 with 2685 homes. There are about 4000 year-round and seasonal residents living in Sunland Village. All homes are single family individual homes, Villas and condos.

As a Homeowners Association (HOA), all owners and residents are governed by the CCR&R's and Bylaws which may be found in the "Documents" section under the SVCA tab. As a nonprofit Arizona Corporation, we have a board of directors entirely comprised of homeowners that each serve 3 year terms.

Our Community

Sunland Village is an 55+ active adult community, with many amenities for its residents; including three swimming pools, jacuzzi, whirlpool, tennis courts, pickleball courts, golf course, hobby and craft rooms, and a large number of chartered clubs and special interest groups.

Old House

Visit Us:

4601 E. Dolphin Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85206
Contact Us

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
After Hours Drop Box