Listed below are the Committees appointed by the SVCA Board of Directors and their meeting schedules.
*Contact* the Board of Directors if you are interested in more information regarding committees. *The "Contact Us" link is located in Home Tab on Menu Bar and in the Footer Box of each page.
Click here for a list of the current COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS
Ad-Hoc Space Usage Committee
Next Meeting TBD
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
(The committee generally meets every Thursday at 11:30am in the HOA office conference room.)
Every Thursday 11:30am HOA office conference room
Budget and Finance Committee
(The committee meets on an as needed basis in the HOA office conference room)
Next Meeting TBD
Building & Grounds Committee
(The committee generally meets the Wednesday before the monthly Board Meeting (which is generally the 2nd Tuesday of each month) at 3:00pm in the Auditorium.)
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 3:00pm Auditorium
Communications Committee
(The committee generally meets the fourth Friday of the month at 10:00am in the HOA office conference room)
Friday, February 28, 2025 10:00am HOA office conference room
Judicial Committee
(The committee generally meets the third Thursday of the month at 2:00pm in the HOA office conference room)
Thursday, February 20, 2025 2:00pm HOA office conference room AGENDA
Security Committee
(The committee generally meets the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30am in the HOA office conference room)
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 10:30am HOA office conference room
Special Events Committee
(The committee generally meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm in the HOA office conference room)
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 3:30pm HOA office conference room
Nominating Committee
(The committee meets in the HOA office conference room as needed during the months of September through the January SVCA Election.)
Next Meeting TBD
Election Committee
This Committee meets in the HOA office conference room as needed during the months of September through the January SVCA Election.
Visit Us:
4601 E. Dolphin Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85206
Contact Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
After Hours Drop Box